Discover The Distinguished Characteristics of the Quran
And In Turn, How They Distinguish You As A Believer
There are characteristics unique to the Quran, not shared with any other Book of Allah. They impact your belief in its divine revelation, and the role it carries in your life.
By virtue of your belief in the Quran, these characteristics distinguish you in ways you may not expect.
A 4-Week Course Taught LIVE on Sundays
November 12 - December 3, 2023
11 AM - 1 PM ET
Taught by Hesham Alaghbari
What Distinguishes The Believer?
Ever wonder how a feuding, unlettered, and debased society…
…one that buried its daughters alive, that indulged in shirk and perversion, that stripped their women of basic human rights…
…transform into the best generation to walk this Earth, a source of light, leadership, and inspiration around the world and throughout time…
…all within a short timeframe?
Put another way…
Ever wonder why it took 23 years for the Quran to be revealed in its entirety, while Musa for example received the Tablets in one sitting?
You see, the Quran has distinguished qualities - not shared with any other Book of Allah…
…that in turn distinguishes the believer.
Special qualities like:
answering in realtime
patterns of speech
unique storytelling
perfection of language
history of compilation and preservation
healing qualities
ease of memorizing
beauty of sound
timeless miracle
and so on and so on.
It wasn’t the society or the personalities or the environment that caused their transformation…
It was how they embraced the miraculous Quran.
About the Teacher: Hesham Alaghbari
Hesham’s journey into Islamic Sciences started more than 20 years ago when he was still in high school learning various sciences with local teachers. Over the years, he had the opportunity to learn in-person and online with scholars from Yemen, Saudi Arabia and Egypt.
In 2016, he completed the ‘Alimiyyah Programme (Islamic Scholarship Programme) at Al-Salam Institute in the UK under the tutelage of Dr. Akram Nadwi.
After spending years memorizing the Quran, learning Tajweed and the science of Qira’aat (various modes of reciting the Quran), Hesham is currently in his 3rd year of a 4-year specialized Mufasir program.
In addition, he is continuing studies in the advanced fields of the Arabic Language & Literature, Fiqh and Theology. He has been leading prayers, delivering classes and sermons for the last 10 years in the Ottawa region.